4 ways to skyrocket your e-commerce conversion

By Ian
2 Min Read

Marketing your online store is a different ball game today. Especially when most of your customers come to window shop and while time. Nevertheless, a number of window shoppers can be converted with some attention to detail. There are statistics that say that for every 100 potential customers, 67 will leave without purchasing. Studies also say the average conversion rate of an online store is as low as two to three per cent.

So, what do you do to convert these people who leave before billing happens?

Exit intent popovers

Addressing abandoned shopping carts is an ever happening issue in the e-commerce industry. Best practices? Instead of waiting for these potential prospects to abandon your cart and triggering your cart recovery email series, you can  address these people through exit-intent popups.What’s an exit popup? They are popups that appear the moment the visitor is about to leave the site. This is a one-shot attempt to recapture the attention of your shopper. Nothing works better than incentives like free shipping, discount voucher, a free gift or the no-fuss company exchange policy.

Email marketing

Good old email marketing is a no-brainer. Make use of data from wish lists, frequently visited pages in the email. If you don’t make use of wishlist data, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

Out of stock emails

You don’t have it when they want it? Make a note of it. When the stock arrives, fire an email to let them know that you are ready with new stock.

Recommendations based on wish list

Again. this is a no brainer. Mapping recommendations based on a wish list and past purchase are easy. Send recommendations and see if you can convert the customer.

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