5 New Year’s Resolutions for every Online Retailer

By Ian
4 Min Read

Eat healthy? Start exercising? Spend
less? More family time?

Lets face it! All these resolutions are
supposed to ensure our longterm well being, sadly they make us feel
more grumpy. So this year lets forget all the resolutions that are
shoved down our throats by glossy magazines and get on to make
practical resolutions that can earn us more profits!

Here is the list of 5 resolutions to
reap success this year.

1. Give your website a facelift

When did you last post images or
contents to your site? Two years back? No wonder your visitors have
been dropping. It is time to step back and analyse the responsiveness
and usability of your website. It is a great idea to add some call to
action buttons, tweak the content and glamorise the images on your
website to catch the attention of the visitors and convert them into

Oh I almost forgot (I know you have
been waiting for it), remember to optimise your landing page for
smart phone and tablet users.

2. Instantly respond to customers

No matter where the  customers post
their queries be it on Facebook, twitter, old fashioned email or live
chat, they expect an accurate, reliable and most importantly
exceptionally fast response. A negative online comment can result in
a considerable damage to your brand reputation. However, too many
companies have fallen prey to automated responses that does not sing
well with customers. It is important to connect with the customer and
build a good rapport to improve the company’s revenue.

3. Experiment with shipping cost

With same day delivery and free
shipping becoming the norm for e commerce giants like Amazon and
Walmart, small online retailer are forced to grudgingly offer the
same despite of the paucity  in their funds. Though low shipping
charges may aid in enticing customers , retailers heavily bank on
delivery charges to shore up their balance sheet.

Some pointers to your rescue are:

a. Examine the shipping charges offered
by different carriers and choose the lowest.

b. Do not forget to claim your refunds
from carriers for distressed shipment.

c. Extensively advertise low shipping

4. Innovate your product.

The recipe for a thriving business is
innovation. Delegate the SEM and SEO to your employees and focus on
your product! Be it redesigning or value addition or quality
improvement, nobody understands or believes in your product as much
as you do. Study your competitors product, constantly interact with
customers to implement what they seek and never fail to adapt!

5. Be holiday ready.

Studies show that there has been a
staggering 20 percent increase in holiday online sales in 2015. Keep
rolling out new innovative schemes and campaigns during holidays. Yes
it is exhausting. Yes it is creatively draining. But just consider
the profits your business can potentially make every Christmas,
Thanks giving or fourth of July. Marketers must capitalize on the
trending holiday themes so as to garner public attention on all

What are your new year’s resolution for
your E-commerce business? Do share it with us!

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