7 tips to get the social media customer service right

By Ian
3 Min Read

Do you provide “social care” to your customers? Social media is evolving from a marketing tool to a platform that provides seamless customer service. Here is our top 7 tips to handle customers on social media.

Ground Rules

Have a set of clear cut rules and
guidelines when you start taking your brand online and in social media. State your expectations clearly
so that you avoid unwanted elements at work. And pull the plug: remove, block and delete members
who bring trouble to your social media handles. You will not regret being strict about this!

Be active

Respond to feedback, grievances,
appreciation as soon as possible. Even if the content is nasty,remain calm and respond. That shows
that you are doing your bit. Nasty comments tend to get better when they are countered with
professional and helpful messages. People take to social media to complain because they think the
public embarrassment will make companies jump into action.

They also want others to see the brand
tarnished. When you respond before the trolling starts, your hide is saved.  So, stay active. Don’t
let posts accumulate without any response.

Have constant peer reviews

Before you respond to social media
comments, make sure you get your response validated by peers.This step will help you avoid turning
these episodes into debacles. A gaffe on social media is worse than a wardrobe malfunction in today’s
digital era! Don’t make a fool out of yourself!

Don’t delete negative posts or
comments, unless they violate ground rules.

You achieve a brand of authenticity by
leaving these posts untouched. Defend, apologise, counsel or resolve issues in these threads. But do
not delete them. It helps in making connections with people.

Deleting unsavoury comments can make
them come back with a vengeance.

Respond in time

A quick turnaround time is what people
expect when they reach out to you on social media. So, respond quickly and meaningfully.
Devote time for this.

Always maintain diplomacy

What goes on the internet stays there
forever. You will have to factor backlash, if you post something that
rubs people the wrong way. Even if you pull it down after putting it
up , remember that it never goes away truly. People will take
screenshots and pass it around if it’s nasty. Social media is a
double edged sword!

Dedicated time and resource

When you have enough going on social
media, dedicate a person or your own time to handle social media customer service, feedback and
grievances. It is important enough in the digital era that we are part of.

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