5 Tips to Handle Millenial Customers

By Ian
3 Min Read

The buzz du jour in the world of online
marketing and e-commerce is “Millennials” and for a good reason.
The Millenials are estimated to account for $600 billion of online
sales and their spending behaviour is  considered almost capricious
due to their close relationship with the technology. A common mistake
that many retailers and marketing strategists commit is to overly
generalise their spending behaviour. It is imperative to consider
that millennials are the most diverse generation and their consuming
behaviour wildly different.

Having said that, there are few
pointers that cuts across their differences and help the retailers strategise their advertisements and promotions.

1. Personal and customisable user

Remember the “Share a coke”
campaign that put most popular teen names on their bottle? Coca-cola
hit the nail with its personal and customised product campaign. The
millennials need to be constantly assured that their needs and styles are unique
A company that tailors their product according to the
diverse tastes of the customers are the most sought after.

2. Right here, Right now

The millennials are a generation of
people who demand to be gratified instantly.
Amazon’s same day
delivery option is to satiate this craving for immediacy in the
online shopping world. The one click mentality of the connected
shoppers is driving the brands both online and brick and mortar to
explore speedier delivery options.

3. Cross channel consistency

Each social media platform offers a
different value that caters to a varied set of users. 83 percent of
the millennials have smartphones through which they are checking
their emails, chatting, sharing and socialising constantly
. Add visuals
in Instagram and snapchat, upload fun videos to youtube, form a
community of your brand advocates and loyal customers in Facebook and
most importantly respond to all the queries and feed back instantly.

4. Brand Advocates

The millennials love to participate in
fun campaigns and share their exciting brand experience within
minutes. And when satisfied customers act as advocates, their
recommendation is priceless
. Increasingly fashion magazines and
beauty products feature not just racially diverse models but also
resort to featuring real women who connect better with the
millennials.  Dove campaign for real beauty caused a quite a sensation
and an overwhelming response from all women across the globe.

5. Product focus

The millennials want something thats
simple, unique and easy. The value of the product has to be
communicated effectively and the faq sheet must be readily accessible
online. The texting gen hates talking to the customer service and
prefers to watch DIY videos online when they encounter a hiccup with
the product. Digital solutions that help customers navigate through
the product is increasingly gaining traction.

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