7 tips to generate leads and maintain a good customer database

By Ian
4 Min Read

The world today is driven by data. Now this is a boon and a curse at the same time. Such huge amounts of detailed data is useful to target customers more precisely and increase the Return on Investment (ROI). That’s one way to look at it. But on the flip side, with so much data coming in, in extremely short periods of time, it can become quite challenging to figure out what data is productive and what can be “made” productive.

In the universe of lead generation, contrary to the expert sayings, there is no such thing as bad leads. There are only those leads that make a difference to your brand and those that you have to try converting so that they start making an impact for your business.

Here is something to consider before we look into some pro tips for effective lead generation. EngageSciences, an international marketing engagement platform, analysed over 400 brands last year and concluded that only 4.7% customers generate 100% revenue of any business. So there you go. There is no need to go hunting down every lead in the database, but to diligently explore that tiny fraction of an audience that bring all the money to our business.

1) Powerful Newsletters: Newsletters are a great way to share infographics and any kind of update/information. Create interesting and short ones with smart headlines because that’s how we can get the prospects to sign up.

2) Case Studies: If you have a B2B business, this is a must to have. Other businesses would like to know what you have done and how you have performed when it comes to your offering. Once they see what you have achieved, expect more than just their name, email, and mobile number.

3) Blog: Blogs provide a more relaxed and informal platform to talk about your business in an interesting manner. But write articles regularly if you are maintaining a blog. Be consistent. Blogs have shown to be a goldmine in attracting leads.

4) Network: Not just online, but offline as well. Go to networking events, get to talk to the decision makers directly, exchange cards and acquire business.

5) Twitter: This personalises business relationships. Have a business twitter handle. Convey your ideologies and offering in just 140 characters. Followers are your leads.

6) Microsite: A website contains too much random information. Create a neatly designed microsite that targets one key area of your business and provides all relevant collateral pertaining to that. You can get a sizeable chunk of leads through email subscriptions from such sites.

7) Great SEO: Whatever you do, don’t give up on SEO. Stay in the top search results by adhering to Google guidelines and your golden.

That’s about it for now about generating leads. Just remember one thing, good leads are those you maintain good relationships with. So start connecting and start building.

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