Do you sound politically right when you publish marketing content?

By Ian
2 Min Read

Content is THE marketing tool today. Content is aimed at bringing in traffic. Being unparliamentary brings in a lot of publicity. But the wrong kind of publicity. It can kill your brand. Today, most marketing is done via social media: FaceBook, Twitter, Quora, Disqus and blogs. So, whatever content goes out online has to undergo stringent checks with regard to political correctness and about being harmless to general sensitivities.


What should you keep in mind while publishing content online?

Stay clear of controversies

Unless you want a legal battle some day, stay away from raking controversies. Voice out your personal opinion on your personal social media profiles. Your brand will suffer and lose reputation if you enter ugly debates. It is better not to say anything than to say something that can ignite problems!

Say NO to negative campaigning

This is like contesting in an election. Slinging mud at a competitor would only instigate the same behavior from your competitors. So, focus on your strengths. And let go of any strategy and content that shows peer brands in bad light.

Double check your content before posting

Recently, our designer did a brilliant job and we were all praise for his job. And then our boss comes in and says ‘please, scrap this and start afresh’. The designer did not notice that he had used certain images that were suggestive of racism. So, get a peer review before you publish something.

Saves a lot of trouble!

Image: Internet

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