Brand Image Management in the Internet Era

By Ian
4 Min Read

Building a brand takes years. You have got to deliver the quality that customers seek. You have got to outdo your peers and create a niche for your brand. Your brand is a mark of trust that people have in you. While building a brand image is quite a tough task, tarnishing the image is very simple. How does one make sure that brand image is maintained?

1. Keep an eye on what is being said about your brand.
Google Alert works wonderfully for this purpose. It notifies you whenever your brand is mentioned. So, when there is a backlash about your product somewhere on social media platforms, get to it immediately. Nip it in the bud.

2. Develop a staff member to respond to online queries and grievances.
Choose someone who has great communication skills. He/she has to understand, empathize and resolve the issue. He needs firsthand experience about the brand, knowledge on its workings and the oft repeated grievances, if any. Thank people who have positive reviews. Apologize with negative reviews. Avoid emotional, angry or defensive responses. There are some customers who will rage whatever you do or tell them. Leave them alone and move on.

3. Maintain active Facebook and twitter accounts.
Have an official Facebook page. Participate in regular conversations there. Respond to direct customer queries. Run contests, awareness programs through these online media pages. Stay on top of what people are saying about you and your brand online. Customer recourse can be done via Twitter. Get back to him immediately through the same channel.

4. Participate in local expos
Barter with local companies for exposure. Co exhibit with others and share advertising cost in major expos if you think the cost is exorbitant. You gain a lot of visibility when you appear in local expos. Encourage staff to participate in local charities. Hold webinars. You can do it for free or for minimal fees. You thus promote your company as an industry leader.

5. Network with local schools
Support local school activities and host events to help nurture students. This goes a great way in maintaining brand image.

6. Work on online content quality
To maintain online brand image, make sure your SEO content is of good quality. It should not be a rehash of what is available everywhere else. Edit content to suit your company’s brand image and then post it. Several organizations just work on adding a lot of essential keywords and not on good content. This can bring down brand image.

7. Don’t fret over what competitors do
While it is a good practice to keep an eye on what competitors do, copying every strategy of theirs, battling it out in the open can tarnish your brand image greatly. It doesn’t really amount to productive work when you indulge in brand wards publicly. It is always a good approach to have something unique out your brand. Distinguish your brand from the rest.

Lastly, remember that a brand image cannot be created. It is automatically formed in the minds of customers. It includes products’ appeal, trust in product, ease of use, functionality, fame, and overall value.  

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