Anxious about why your visitors are not converting?

By Ian
4 Min Read

Do you have the right tool to measure the usage of your website? Are you facing trouble understanding the visitor to your website? Then, you are at the right place. Put your worries aside for here are 3 tools that will help you grab that pie.

Google analytics helps you track site/page views and visits. It helps you understand the social traffic that reaches your website. But, these tools go way beyond just the views and navigation indicators. While a Google analytic view gives you a statistic of 40 clicks for two links, a Crazy Egg or Mouseflow will show you the break to each link and will suffice the deficiency in clarity.

What allures the sight of your customers and what catches his eyes is what you want to know. Heat mapping is a great way to analyze your website.


Heat mapping is the technique used to represent the data in colors. These indicate hot spots that tell you where the eye of the viewer goes first and what allures his attention. The click heat maps, scroll heat maps and mouse movement heat maps show where the visitor clicks, scrolls or hovers his mouse around.

Here are three 3 tools to triumph:

These tools help you trace the clicks, scrolls, segmentation and more. It also tells you the visitor screen recording. 

Now here is the way where you can trace these views and know where you lack behind and what puts away your customer. These tools will help you optimize and convert your website and manage content.



KissMetrics was founded by entrepreneur Neil Patel in 2012 and they are located in San Francisco, CA.

What does it do? KissMetrics heat mapping analytics does not just deal with data numbers. This will also tell you your KPI, metrics and revenue. It helps you know what the customer looked at before and after they sign in to your website. Now this will help you expand and multiply your customers. One key feature it offers is your data will be saved and never lost. Isn’t that interesting?



Mouseflow, is yet another heat mapping tool that includes live click tracking and website analytics. MouseFlow, was founded by current CEO, Lasse Schou in April 2010. MouseFlow is used and trusted by more than 15,000 websites, corporations and bloggers. Their customers include Pepsi and Vodafone.

What more?

They offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee on all paid plans. If you are not satisfied, let MouseFlow know and they will make it right.



Crazy Egg is a similar heat mapping tool founded by Neil Patel who also co founded KissMetrics. More than 50,000 businesses including Intel, Dell, eBay and Amazon are using this tool. This provides a Confetti Tool that allows you to see where all of your clicks are coming from segmented into search terms, referrals and more. This will help you discover where your best traffic is coming from.

All of their plans have a 30 day trial period.

So do these tools suffice all your needs?  

Images: Internet

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