Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Business Should Avoid

By Ian
4 Min Read

Digital Marketing Mistakes

Isn’t childhood the best? Where we are
not held responsible for our actions. All our infamous acts were
either called cute, naughty, or irritating. But that is it. Nothing
more. Nothing less. Somehow, when we grow up we lose that favour to
the mature world. The world expects us to be more civil. More
understanding. Better. Smarter. To be perfect.

Perfection is a mirage. Just as
believing everything and following is wrong and impractical, so is
not taking the unbeaten track. Point is, in the end, we are all
expected to have an outcome. No body wants the background details. We
all want results.

Result is the product of intelligence
and keenness.

Business is always cut throat. How do
we stay sharp and ahead of the curve?

It is no doubt that we are marked and
assessed by the digital meter in the present day’s marketing
spectrum. Better sense of gauging and targeting the audience has made
digital advertising and marketing a brand’s best ally.

If something fancies us, it just means
it needs that much more for us to care for it.

Facebook Page: It is considered a crime
to not have a facebook page. Even if your business is yet to start
and would take about 2 months to go LIVE, having a facebook business
page for the business is prudent. Once the page is up, mark or create
a list of things to say on the page. Keeping it idle is worse than
not having a page at all. Whatever is to be conveyed on the page
needn’t necessarily be informative or business-related. It just has
to be interesting and as far as possible a little connection to the
overall brand value you are trying to build for your business.

One step at a time: The digital
universe is constantly expanding. Let’s not forget this. We can’t
love just about everything and everybody. So let’s not get ahead of
ourselves and drown in this endless vortex of social media accounts.
Most of the world is only on Facebook and Twitter. If you’d like,
maybe Instagram and maybe Tumblr. Again, a market comparison and
assessment of what similar businesses like yours are doing with their
social media marketing is important to get a whiff of, before you
bake your dough in the social media oven.

Be authentic and easy: “My fake
plants died because I did not pretend to water them.” – Mitch

It is just not done buying followers on
Facebook. I mean what good is it to sell out tickets to a show if no
one turns up to watch the show? Brand building takes time. Also, just
because the brand has to be built, overdoing it – talking about the
brand endlessly and relentlessly repels your prospective audiences
from establishing any connection with your brand

Responsive and Responsible: If one of
your customers says something bad about your product on the social
media page, be professional. Talk to the customer directly by calling
on the mobile or writing a courteous email. Shunning a customer
online and insulting a customer’s remarks right there on the page
where others can see will only put the brand in bad light.

Take it easy and build the brand
patiently. Every step counts. Every mistake is a chance to learn that
there is another better way to get things done. Make them count.

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