Five Package Delivery Issues That Plague Ecommerce Stores

Bianca Barath
4 Min Read

E-commerce stores have changed the way we shop. But online retailers   still struggle with one thing – they find it difficult to differentiate themselves from their peers. As a result of this, the customer’s only buying criteria has now become price. Customers flock to an online store that advertises the biggest discount. Now if that weren’t bad enough, toss in some delivery uncertainties and tech trouble, and you’ve lost your repeat customers.

To build brand loyalty, online stores must overcome the trappings of package delivery to offer a positive and wholesome customer shopping experience. Let’s explore a few order delivery issues that dampen a customer’s purchase experience.

1. Where is my order dude?

Instead of bidding good bye to your customers after a successful cart checkout, you must continue to engage with them post purchase. You should provide clear, accurate and transparent information on the shipment location. With the aid of a real-time shipment tracking solutions such as LateShipment Pulse, you could keep your customers updated on the expected order and fulfilment time. Additionally, by studying customer’s past behaviour, you could predict if he prefers to pick up the package or have it delivered to his residence.

2) Why is my order late?

If you have promised a delivery within two days and not kept your word, the customer is going to be angry.

Now we know that you may have outsourced the last mile delivery to a third party shipping carrier such as FedEx, UPS or DHL. As a result of this, you may feel like you don’t have too much control over the situation. While that’s true, the customer isn’t going to empathise with you. Every time a package is delivered late, your brand takes a beating. It is crucial to choose the right shipping carrier and align them to your supply chain vision. helps you hold your shipping carrier accountable for the service failures by demanding them to pay for every service failure.

Also check out 5 Reasons to Fight Late Delivery

3) Why have I received a broken product?

Since the introduction of Dimensional Weight Pricing model, packaging has turned tricky. Wrap your stuff in a bigger pack and your shipping cost will blow your budget. Opt for a smaller pack, you run the risk of damaging the content. Negotiate a shipping rate for set package dimensions with your shipping carrier to avoid disappointing your customers.

4) My order never arrived!

There are times when your shipping partner may not provide you accurate information. He’ll say the order is delivered, when that may not actually be the case. Your customer will still be waiting for his/her package and be tweeting away at such a furious pace that your social media manager may get stressed out. In such a scenario, dispatch a replacement immediately. Don’t chase the lost or missed delivery. Once it is established that the order is lost, make sure to recover refunds from the carrier.

5) Can I return my product?

Hassle free returns is a great way to alleviate a potential customer’s apprehension about online purchases. Although, all retailers unanimously detest handling reverse logistics and discarding or re-shelving returned products, there is way to turn these instances to your advantage. You could collect insightful data about the reason for dissatisfaction from your customers, converting these numbers into valuable strategic opportunity.

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