Five proven ways optimize shipping cost

By Ian
4 Min Read

costs can make or break your bottom line. And that’s the hard truth
with online sales. And with any business that involves shipping.
LateShipment is a wonder genie that helps you streamline your process
and eliminate everything that can inflate your shipping bills. Let’s
look at best practices that have helped several smart shippers who
use FedEx, UPS or DHL.

Ask. And you shall have it!

you sign up with FedEx, UPS or DHL with their rates mentioned in
black and white, ask for better rates. And guess what, if you ship
volumes, you will get a better rate. A phone call is what it takes to
lower shipping costs. A sales representative would turn up at your
doorstep and you can negotiate rates with him. That is step one. As
simple as that.

Apples and Oranges

is an absolute necessity here. So, if your customer wants the
delivery ‘as soon as possible’, do you just book the fastest
delivery FedEx or UPS offers? Wrong there, bud. It makes sense to
give it a minute. If the customer stays in the same state, it really
makes no difference time-wise whether you opt for a ground delivery
or an express delivery. But yes, you would be paying a bomb for an
express delivery. And you would be paying a bomb for no reason. So,
segregate your orders based on place and time. Choose the right
service and then go ahead.

What’s in a square or a rectangle?!

it might seem artsy and unique to go for hexagonal boxes to pack your
goods, it makes no business sense. Shipping costs depend on
dimensional weight rather than on actual weight. That means you have
to follow certain rules when you choose your shipping boxes to
optimise costs. A few inches can save several dollars.

Package it right

could think that stuffing your package with cushioning material will
keep your product safe. Possibly. But remember not to go beyond the
optimal amount. You would just be adding to your shipping bills
otherwise. Have a standard packaging procedure.

Make use of that guarantee

players, FedEx, UPS and DHL have a delivery guarantee in their
contract. If the package is delivered late, EVEN by a minute, the
shipper CAN collect a full refund on shipping costs. And
statistically, 6-8 per cent of all FedEx/UPS/DHL packages are
delivered late. And the fact is that 95 per cent of late deliveries
are left unclaimed. The reason is that UPS and FedEx complicate the
process of filing for refunds so that it deters people who want to do
it. But when you sign up with

LateShipment, the
process is automated and voila, you receive your refunds just like
that. You needn’t lift a finger.


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