Is Your Online Store Holiday-Ready?

By Ian
3 Min Read

The holiday season is around the corner. Lots of orders. Lots and lots of deliveries. The retailers couldn’t be happier. However, there is one little thing they have to be or are already concerned about – is it possible to ship so many products without stumbling anywhere?

The answer is both yes and no.

Yes – if you have all the backend in place.

No – if you are overconfident and too happy with the existing resources and not done the right kind of checks to understand what is required to meet the increasing demands during the next three months.

Industry experts are giving out several valuable tips to small and medium-sized online retailers so that they could build an issue-free experience for their customers.

Deadlines: Not your internal deadlines on meeting sales targets, but the deadlines put up by FedEx, UPS and other major carrier companies. So if you miss their dates, you are pretty much looking at sad customers, and who won’t think twice to never visit your website again. After all it is the holiday season and you don’t want to mess with their emotions.

Be extremely transparent with the customers: Despite leaving no stone unturned to ensure all the customers get their orders delivered without any hassles, shipping disasters and order delays are bound to happen. Especially during this period. So it is advised that you as a retailer make necessary arrangements to be in touch with the customer to let them know where exactly their package is, as and when it is making a move. We are talking at least 4 updates a day. This builds up trust with the customer and puts them at ease. Because if you are not clear and transparent with them about their order, chances are they may be led to the conclusion that their order might delay or not arrive at all and, therefore, make them place the order on your competitor’s website – your worst nightmare.

Have a solid backup: If there is any time in the year that requires a strong and powerhouse of a backup, it is this time. If you have been working with a very reliable transport management system and a distribution partner for many years, during this time of the year it is recommended that you have another backup. You never know – your distribution partner might end up getting overbooked, because for him like you there will be other clients whose orders he has to cater to as well.

Don’t over promise and under deliver. If it takes 5 days to ship, say it takes 7-8 days. Under promise and over deliver. Imagine delivering the product before schedule?

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