Never Push for a Sales Deal!

By Ian
4 Min Read

Now that you are all set to go all out into the market, its time to reap the benefits of all those hours invested in innovation and hard work on building your product. Well, there is just one last step in the process – make the sale! As easy as it sounds, actually selling your product is the toughest task for any startup, especially because you do not have a sales team per se and enough resources for the same already. But that doesn’t necessarily have to come in the way of your sales efforts.

It is a matter of perspective. To begin with, you need to understand what sales actually means. It is not just about persuading a prospective customer, well in fact, it is the process of easing a customer’s present difficulties and solving any issues they could be facing with the product. Your attitude towards your product and the customer will definitely make sure your product is utilized to its fullest by the right audience.

Be a Knight. Your product is here to save your customer of their misery. It is made to save them something, be it time or money or simply make their lives easier. Your priority is to let them know this. It is not simply to close a deal. Learn your customer, know what their needs and problems are. Personalize your sales pitch according to the same. If you feel you cannot genuinely help your customer, its time to reinvestigate the target group your product will fit into.

Connect Consistently. Remember that a sale is not over when the customer pays for your product / service. After sales service is very important for any business to thrive. This is especially helpful for a startup to build a reputation for their brand, gain customer feedback and grow as a business. Customer support and improving your product are in fact a part of the sales process itself.

Never Miss an Opportunity. Keep in touch with your clients. Communicate with them on a regular basis and know their feedback. Here is an opportunity for improvement, to be a better brand, to be a favorite one that takes care of its customers well. You are creating a strong foundation for future sales when you respond to issues and answer your customers promptly.

Don’t push for a deal. Your customers will know the difference between something that will genuinely solve their problem and something that is being pushed on them for the sake of sale. Understand what a person really needs and only sell where applicable. It might sound like a very ideal thought, but in the broader picture

As you work towards your dream product / service or brand, innovating and increasing efficiency with each step, passionate selling adds to the overall success of your business.

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