
By Ian
4 Min Read

The past 100 and odd years have seen a major difference in the workforce populace. Women started working out of their homes and contributing to the GDP and their family earnings. While it has been quite a while, women entrepreneurs are still seen with awe. Today, a lot of women choose to start their own businesses from home and from outside of their homes.

Why is it harder for women?

Most women entrepreneurs have it different from their male counterparts. Thank biological factors for this. The society has come a long way from putting women down and treating them equally, as respectable businesswomen. But, biological roles make it a tad difficult. Apart from this, there is also the ego factor involved when a female boss decides to hire men. Unless it is a women centric business, her peers fail to take her seriously. Despite all the odds, several women shatter preconceived notions and become successful entrepreneurs.

How does a woman soar high, despite all odds?

Many countries around the world urge women to participate in the business scene and so as much as they can to encourage women entrepreneurs. There is help in the form of setup assistance, tax rebates, subsidization etc. research on all these details. The internet is a one stop shop with regard to Governmental policies. Read them up and see if your business goals can garner help from the authorities.

Pick a business that makes best use of your skills. Once you have narrowed down your skill sets, conduct some market research and choose a business avenue that has growth opportunities in your place and time.

Make friends with other women entrepreneurs in your locale. They can belong to different/similar/same businesses. Hunt for guilds you can get membership into. This is your support system. Seek assistance from these peers whenever you have doubts. This serves many purposes. Let us say you sell curios and your friend from the guild sells tapestry. You can liaise with her and display your ware at one store. A customer who comes in for one might buy the other as well.

Set definite career goals. Make sure you work towards these goals. To achieve these goals, it is of primary importance that your family supports you. Enroll yourself in training programs if you think that would be of help to you. Here again, research if the Government can offer training to self-employed women at subsidized rates. Whether you want to run a stock broking house or a fashion house, there are courses that can help you set it up and run it smoothly.

Why is it important to encourage women entrepreneurs?

Women bring diversity in skill sets, abilities and thought processes. So, ideal workforce/business runners should be a motley mix of both the genders. Entrepreneurial avenues open up a wide array of possibilities to women; they provide economic independence to women. Women who have steady jobs or strong businesses are not likely to undergo societal problems like domestic harassment or insolvency. Women are more likely to hire more women. So, that brings more women to employment. That works towards women empowerment like nothing else ever can. Women appreciate flexible work hours and off beat business ideas that can be incorporated with their tight schedules.

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