5 ways to make customers fall in love with your business this Valentine’s day

Bianca Barath
6 Min Read

Amped about Valentine’s week sales? Starting the year off with a bang after the holiday season is just what your business needs. Are you ready to handle the rush?

Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re geared up to make the best of this week!

1. Inventory hard

Yep, you need to make sure you are fully stocked to handle the rush. A study by Fortune shows that over 51% of shoppers make their purchases online. The number is bound to increase when it’s Valentine’s week!



Just run a quick inventory of your sales during this time of the month during the last few years, and create a comprehensive list of all the items you’ll need extra stock of. This will ensure you are prepared to deal with large orders of those products. For instance, hallmark cards, chocolates and flowers are the hot favourites. If you sell live plants and flowers, then you might want to stock up on purple roses, blue roses, green roses, red roses and rainbow roses apart from the famous lilies and tulips, as they are currently in trend.

2. Flaunt those discounts

It’s not going to be enough if your business has a really cool website and a bunch of offers for V- day. No sir! You need to be able to market your best selling products with strategically designed content if you want an even bigger turnout. All those huge banners proclaiming an ongoing sale need to be attractive, to the point, and well placed.

Valentines Day Sale 50% Off

Ease of access with a mobile option would be an added advantage to most customers. Offer super fast shipping as around 28 % of customers begin Valentine’s day shopping with less than a week to go! If you’re offering fast shipping options then advertise it in bold! The quality of your content will determine if a window shopper becomes a loyal customer, or if an existing one goes in search of better options. So get cracking on those knuckles and come up with some awesome content that will be extremely hard to say no to!

3. A truly personalized experience

Personalizing a customer’s online experience goes a long way in making an unforgettable shopping experience. Not only does it involve recommendations based on a customer’s behavioural patterns, it also ensures that a retailer’s best products are at the forefront of the customized search list.

Online Shopping

For instance, this week’s recommendations could be on a Valentine based theme, in all categories. Studies show that singles treat themselves to Valentine’s day gifts too! So you’ll have to make sure customers can find the perfect gift to pamper themselves and their loved ones with. Various gift wrappings to choose from would be a great addition too!

4. Swoon worthy prices

This might suck, but there are a lot of price comparison options out there these days. So it’s definitely not a great idea to hike up the price of an item just so that the discount you offer sounds amazing. Making delivery options and shipping prices fully visible to customers is another excellent way to win more hearts this season!

Valentines Day Sale

Besides, no matter the percentage of discount you offer, it’s great quality merchandise and efficient delivery options which will speak in your favour.

5. Ship it like you mean it

You heard that right! Over 69% of customers have claimed that an unsatisfactory delivery experience reduces the probability of them shopping with the same retailer again. It does make sense, because a present meant for Valentine’s day does not mean the same if delivered a couple of days later!

Shipping Delivery


As many customers pay extra for faster delivery options, you’re going to have one extremely unhappy customer on your hands if the package does not reach on time. As you well know, getting a customer to buy from you is just the first step. If you want them coming back time and again for more (fingers crossed), then you’ll have to offer them the complete package. Prompt and satisfactory delivery is the last mile you’ll have to cross. So make sure the shipping carriers you use are all on track. For help with ensuring that your shipping carriers are held accountable for their on time performance and getting the tools necessary to have complete visibility over your last mile deliveries, check out LateShipment.com.

I hope this helps prepare you to tackle this Valentine’s week sale in style!

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