5 Ways To Win Your Ecommerce Shopper Experience Gameplay

Joelah James
5 Min Read

The old ways of doing business are rapidly giving way to technologically advanced methods that focus inherently on creating a seamless shopper experience. Your business could gain a definite edge if the right strategies are implemented properly. Here are a few things that will help increase your customer retention and loyalty in the long run.

Customer journey

Image Source: marketoonist.com

Personalization is power

Dynamic personalization has proved its worth over the last few years as retailers big and small invest in acquiring the behavioral data of customers to impact their viewing preferences. Factors such as demographics, geographical location, context, and device are used to anticipate customer needs and earn their trust. Not only does dynamic personalization establish trust in a brand, it also has the ability to turn shoppers into buyers and buyers into repeat customers. Making your ecommerce site accessible via all devices like laptops, mobiles, and tablets will make sure you’re available at the right place and right time with the right content.

Cartoon on personalized content

Image Source: marketoonist.com

It’s the small things that matter

The popularity of your brand hinges on how well it resonates with customers and the brand recall it triggers. This could be achieved with personalized notes, a voucher for a later purchase, a call to comment on the product quality, or just a thank you card. Consider this example. There are numerous sites that sell books online, but you get a free quirky bookmark with every book purchased on Amazon. It’s little things like this that create lasting impacts with customers.

The cooler the brand image, the better

Customer experience focused advertising strategies play a major role in reaching targeted customers. When people relate with a brand, it gives them a feeling of comfort and belonging. Take Nike for instance. Each and every product has a story behind it. It is advertised in such a manner that anybody from an athlete to an amateur can connect to the brand and the product. A good story will certainly hold customers’ attention and drive traffic. Tell your brand story. Hold the interest it generates and extend it till an exceptional last mile experience.

Nike product campaign

Image Source: the6milliondollarstory

With social media ranking among the top strategies to reach shoppers, brand image depends on the social media traffic generated and shopper experience reviews. When angry shoppers vent their frustrations on social media, it is the brand image that suffers. This has the potential to cause a social media blowout for the brand in question and create an extremely bad impression with future prospects. Make sure you have a social media presence that is consistent with the brand image you choose to portray.

The last mile in effect

A critical part of the customer journey is delivering a great last mile experience, and falling in love with the brand. Your product could be great, the discounts jaw-dropping and the content really edgy. But none of that matters when it is not delivered on time or gets lost in transit. Studies show that 1 in 3 customers never shop from a retailer again after a bad delivery experience.

Bad Shopper Experience

Investing in creating a post-purchase experience that will make your brand stand out from the rest of the crowd is key to maintaining market competitiveness. That being said, choosing a shipping carrier best suited to your needs and keeping track of their performance is more critical than ever to win your last mile.

Suit up with technology

A memorable post-purchase experience will ensure recurring purchases and brand loyalty. The last mile capabilities of your business can be improved upon by adapting to the latest technology.

Predictive analytics can efficiently aid in preventing delivery exceptions even before they occur. There are tools available that help you in handling delivery exceptions proactively.


Online shopping has now become a way of life for millennials. Offering a seamless shopper experience is the final frontier when it comes to ecommerce. Winning the last mile will be the final and most significant part of your strategy that will grant your business a definite competitive edge.

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